Early Chapter Books from the Kids

Today we are doing something a bit different here. After a frustrating day of technological difficulties, I was left without an episode to air today. But when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade! 

My son has been asking to come on the show for awhile now and I have been brainstorming on how to share a few episodes with recommendations from the kids. So he jumped in last minute, to gather a book flight of some of his favorite books to share today. He is 8, so the books shared are early chapter books or middle grade novels. Hope you enjoy this short and sweet episode with Marcos. I’d love to hear your thoughts on if you’d like to hear more book flights from the kids!

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Kara Infante

Kara Infante is the creator and host of the top-rated Bookish Flights podcast. Kara believes we all have a story to tell. That story can be told by books that have shaped our lives. She is a passionate believer that books are a wonderful way to foster friendships and community.


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