2024 Reading Challenge

Wow, I cannot believe another year has flown by. Did you set a reading goal for 2023 or participate in the Bookish Flights challenge? How’d you do? The end of the year is a great time to reflect on all the books you have read over the past year and really see the ones that stand out as favorites.

To help you plan for 2024, I have created 12 reading prompts that are different from last year, except to tackle 3 books from your current TBR. I love doing a reading challenge because it pushes us of our comfort zones when we are determining what we read by a wide variety of prompts. This year I am focusing on getting out into the local community for the pdocast, I encourage you as well with reading one book by a local author and by an author new to you! I’d love to hear which is your favorite book prompt, send me a quick email and let me know!

I also have included a shorter reading challenge for your kids to complete upon my kid’s request. There are 8 books on the shelf to color to track their progress. Hope you all have fun reading together!

Please tag @BookishFlights on Facebook or Instagram if you decide to participate in the challenge and use the #BFReadingChallenge. It really helps to spread the word! Also feel free to share the challenge with all your bookish friends and family! Doing challenges together are a great way to keep each other accountable. I cannot wait to see the book lists you’ll come up with!

Grab your 2024 Reading Challenge Tracker HERE.

Grab the 2024 Kids Reading Challenge Tracker HERE.

Love what you read?

I’d love if you shared it with a bookish friend! Thank you!

Kara Infante

Kara Infante is the creator and host of the top-rated Bookish Flights podcast. Kara believes we all have a story to tell. That story can be told by books that have shaped our lives. She is a passionate believer that books are a wonderful way to foster friendships and community.


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