Life Lessons and Podcasting: An Ode to My Parents

At face value this may seem strange, since podcasting is a relatively new trend and was not something that was around when I was a kid and living with my parents. But I have been reflecting a lot over what life skills have translated well into podcasting.

1) Everyone has a story to tell.

This principle has seamlessly integrated into the heart of podcasting. People are fascinating. My father could connect with anyone and always had the time for them. There is something to be said about slowing down from the chaos to take the time to truly listen.

2) There is always a seat at the table.

There is something to be said about breaking bread with people. My upbringing in a small family emphasized the significance of sharing stories and extending hospitality. This principle, instilled by my mother, beautifully connects with the spirit of podcasting. Just as our family table always had room for one more, the podcasting space welcomes everyone to share their unique story.

3) Empathy, a Smile and Connection

My father treated every conversation as an opportunity to make someone feel important, letting their story matter in the larger narrative. Extending a warm smile and nurturing connections are the foundations of a podcast. This aligns seamlessly with the understanding that you never know what someone else is going through. The empathetic approach not only enhances our life as a listener but also builds our community.

4) Embrace today.

The loss of my father at a young age taught me that tomorrow is never guaranteed. This lesson has become a guiding motto, urging me to seize opportunities that may seem daunting. Life is fleeting, and tomorrow is not guaranteed, so what passion and purpose can you start digging into today?

This is short and sweet, but I hope this is an encouragement for you to reflect on their own life skills. They can always be repurposed. Are you truly living your passion and your purpose? What's holding you back? What are you setting aside for later? Thank you to my parents for the invaluable lessons they provided!

Kara Infante

Kara Infante is the creator and host of the top-rated Bookish Flights podcast. Kara believes we all have a story to tell. That story can be told by books that have shaped our lives. She is a passionate believer that books are a wonderful way to foster friendships and community.

Summer Reading Club


Books and The Powerful Impact of Friendships